Intermitent Living

Intermittent Living is a protocol boosted by Dr. Leo Pruimboom that aims to reactivate our health, protect us from the negative effects of modern life, and inspire us to adapt and self-manage in the face of social, physical, and emotional challenges.

Putting into action the principles of psychoneuroimmunology, IL offers week-long health experiences in breathtaking natural locations which include practical health-enhancing strategies like intermittent fasting or hypercapnia. Through these activities, individuals feel revitalized, reinvigorated, and healthier. 

The concept of intermittence is reflected on IL’s logo, where the dots position alludes to the Health Experiences that the company offers, which represent small breaks in the cadence of people’s life. We symbolize the dynamism of this method, where the intermittency of the processes is the axis of the program. We spin the letters like IL spins the human metabolism.


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