The concept, the location of the Museum – under the sea in front of Lanzarote – and the work of Jason deCaires Taylor meant that the project had a huge and very unique personality. With this in mind we felt that a simple solution would be more effective, one that did not interfere with the already powerful images that the museum or the artists’ work express.
We used the initials MA from Atlantic Museum and put them against a background made up of just three waves and a line for the horizon, creating a peaceful landscape that looked like an island.
The line of the sea symbolizes the border between two worlds. Above, the visible part of the island, below, a hidden world full of subaquatic inhabitants. No explicit reference to the work is made, in order to respect the silence and enigma of a work in progress, a silent and hidden mutation.
A sota, proposta de logotip bàsic
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Papereria bàsica