Conferences, activities and an exhibition organized by the Natural Science Museum in Barcelona in 2015-2016 about nutrition.
Using the tagline “A question of balance” the goal was to deliver a message: that the planet’s resources are limited and in danger and that human activity – including its feeding habits – is not only upsetting the balance of our fragile planet but in danger of causing its collapse.
With this in mind we created images that were inspired by concepts of “balance” using images of “deconstructed” traditional dishes. The black background is reminiscent of the inside of the museum. We created these images together with Raw-color that were used throughout the year for: banners, posters, invitations, flyers, programs, leaflets etc.
A sobre les imatges originals de la campanya. Els plats escollits: “una espardenya” (escalivada amb pa amb tomata), una Sopa de Carabassa i un Trinxat de la Cerdanya
A sobre material imprés
Pot de confitura amb la recepta de carabassa gengibre i taronja regalats a la inauguració.
Detall de la invitació i del flyer
A sobre, simulació de banderoles i opis