(In)Visibles i (O)Cultes

(In)visible and hidden

Graphics and design of the temporary exhibition which aims to make women scientists visible throughout history.

A couple of transparent canvases displaying the title and a film Les résultats du feminisme (1906) by Alice Guy do the welcome. Along the corridor, a lot of photos and names of current women hang from the ceiling and from time to time, our protagonists appear on banners.

The common thread is history, divided into colors according to the period, snippets of events appear that help frame each historical moment. The point where each protagonist is born is emphasized with the name and marks the point where the banner is located that tells us their biography. The color is repeated in the banners of the protagonists. On the one hand, a large and colorful sentence summarizes the explanation and on the other, the biography with illustrations. A rivet of the same color is sewn around the edge of the banner.

At the end, the exhibition closes with a collage-style panel of examples of how the media treat scientists today and to finish a blackboard where everyone is invited, especially if you are a woman, to put that “you would have liked it” —or that “she would like” in the case of the younger ones— “to be grown up”.

People participated a lot and many surprises appeared!

Images: Josep Maria de Llobet

© Petit Comité